Dryer Repair Services in Aurora, Ontario
Fast, reliable, honest service… Trusted by your neighbours
- Licensed Technicians
- ODP Certified
- 24-hour telephone support
- 5 star reviews
In your city – available technicians
Why Choose Our Dryer Repair Company in Aurora
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Dryer Problems We Solve in Aurora
- Dryer is squeaking
- Dryer won’t start
- Dryer is not spinning
- Dryer stops mid cycle
- Dryer is not heating up
- Dryer won’t stop running
- Dryer is not getting hot
- Dryer smells like burning
- Dryer takes too long to dry
- Dryer drum is not turning
- Dryer is not drying clothes
- Dryer is making a loud noise
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Dryer Parts We Can Replace in Aurora
We have spare parts for dryers of any make and model:
- Belt
- Vent
- Motor
- Timer
- Blower
- Roller
- Springs
- Monitors
- Idler Pulley
- Door Switch
- Flame Sensor
- Heater Duct
- Door Gaskets
- Heating Element
- Drum Bearing
- Flexible Duct
- Circuit Board
- Bearing Kit
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Our experts always have the most common replacement parts on hand to repair your dryer on site. All parts we use are genuine and provided by the original manufacturers.
Aurora Areas We Serve
- Aurora Estates
- Aurora Grove
- Aurora Heights
- Aurora Highlands
- Aurora Village
- Bayview Northeast
- Bayview Southeast
- Bayview Wellington
- Rural Aurora
- St. Andrews On The Hill